Why Are We Here, Why Can We Do, Where Are We Heading

Why Are We Here

In the spring of 2024, as part of our product market research, I began conducting mock interviews and coaching people to prepare for their ML-related interview rounds. This experience was incredibly rewarding, as I had the opportunity to guide individuals through their challenges and received an outpouring of positive feedback. It has fueled my desire to continue on this path and help even more people succeed.

However, an individual’s effort is limited, and the 1:1 coaching style isn’t scalable. Fortunately, by summarizing insights from hundreds of mock interviews conducted by myself and my peers, we’ve identified many common challenges.

  • Gap between learning materials and industry expectations
  • No reliable resources for ML interview prep
  • Hard to get feedback on ideas
  • High knowledge barriers
  • Rapidly evolving techniques
  • Information overload

This has allowed us to explore a more scalable, high-coverage approach that is interactive and community-driven, aimed at benefiting a broader audience.

What Can We Do

To address the challenges above, we brainstormed with candidates to scope a dynamic, blog-like channel tailored from all ML job seekers to all tech professionals. This platform goes beyond a typical tech blog, offering a range of possibilities and opportunities.

  • Breaking Knowledge Barriers: We combine content creation and curation to deliver both widely available resources and hidden expert insights, making critical knowledge accessible to everyone.
  • Interactive and Tailored: Our content is dynamic and adaptable to your learning style. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to refine your skills, you can engage with content that’s tailored to your specific needs, with opportunities for follow-up and deeper exploration.
  • Community-Centric: This platform isn’t just a broadcast—it’s a collaborative community where job seekers, professionals, and experts can connect, discuss, and learn together. The community will drive the direction.
  • Empowered by AI: we will integrate any AI tools, if only they can harness the power of AI to support your growth:
    • An AI mock interviewer to simulate real-world interviews and evaluate your performance
    • An AI knowledge discussion tool to explore concepts
    • AI-powered Q&A for follow up on contents
    • AI community assistants to keep engagement flowing

Where Are We Heading

We invite you to join us on this exciting journey of growth and innovation. Whether you’re a job seeker looking to sharpen your skills, a professional aiming to stay ahead in the rapidly evolving tech landscape, or an expert eager to share your knowledge, there’s a place for you in our community.

Engage with our content, participate in discussions, and leverage our AI-powered tools to accelerate your learning and career development. Together, we can build a dynamic, supportive ecosystem that empowers tech professionals at every stage of their careers.

Feel free to comment whenever you have any interested topics, questions and expectations here!

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